About Us

FashionCadet is a platform about Men & Women Fashion, Interior Design, Hair and Beauty, and Do-it-Yourself (Diy) projects. We offer a number of services which include

  • Photography
  • Interior design
  • Stylist
  • Personal shopper

Contact us at info@fashioncadet.com or click here


We offer advertising space on the blog in form of sponsored posts, giveaway, sponsored outfits, product reviews and banner adverts. Our banner advert sizes are listed below:

>> 125 x 125

>> 300 x 250

>> 300 x 600

>> 468 x 60 

To request for our rates or to advertise with us send us an email at info@fashioncadet.com or click here. We cater to both big companies/brands and small growing businesses. Our rates are fair and the ads are geared to what you can afford.


FashionCadet is always on the lookout for talented new contributors/partners from all over the world. Whether you’re a photographer, interior designer, seasoned blogger or writer looking for a new platform to share your voice, skills/talents and views, or an up-and-comer trying to build experience and credits as a blogger or photographer, we’d love to have you onboard. If you are interested, and meet the criteria below, please send an email to info@fashioncadet.com or click here and we’ll respond within 1-3 business days

To write for FashionCadet, you must:

  • Have grammar and writing skills
  • Have a passion for fashion, photography or style
  • Be reliable and consistent

Disclosure policy

We do accept review samples and free products to review if we feel the product would interest our readers. We have created affiliate advertising relationships with a number of companies. We will receive commission from affiliate partners when readers click, buy, or shop their offers.

N/B: All images used on Fashion Cadet have been taken by us or from the internet. If you own the rights to any of these images, do not wish them to appear on this site, please let us know and the photos will be removed immediately. 

All rights reserved FashionCadet.com © 2013-2020 and images cannot be used in any way without owners consent

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