It seems that in the last few years female fashion has become more and more about sacrificing comfort for appearance. 6 inch heels, multiple forms of spanxs and paper-thin leggings in winter; sure we can deal with them every so often but we need comfort! I’ve always found it hard to find truly warm, comfortable clothing in the women’s section so I often wandered over to see what the guys were getting. Here are a few pieces from men’s fashion you can use to create casual and grungy styles this season.
In the women’s section the quality of women’s jumpers is a Russian roulette. Do you go with the jumper with the nice cut and colour that itches like mad and is very thin, or a garish boxy jumper that actually keeps you warm? Men’s jumpers, while more simple, tend to be more comfortable and most are fitted close to the skin. If you’re buying from the men’s section or borrowing from your guy choose pastel shades with a thinner material; you’d be surprised just how much warmer they are. If you’re worried about size a small shouldn’t be too big for the average woman, but look in American stores, Top Shop or teenage sections for a fit that a woman can wear. Baggy jumpers give you an excuse to layer however; add a bright and feminine coloured shirt underneath so the collar can be seen.
Good jeans
If you prefer boyfriend style jeans why not go the whole hog and try a style from the men’s section, or get a quality pair from a jeans store? Stores like Levi’s tend to cater to a more male market but they also provide loser, comfortable jeans in their women’s section as well as the obligatory skinnies. Jean’s made for men generally aren’t meant to be skin tight and the pockets are far more usable. The material is thicker too, so they’re warmer and less revealing. For women with a laidback style mixing a pair of boyfriend or men’s jeans with a light coloured or pastel baggy jumper, a fitted and slim black jumper or a woman’s band shirt would work exceptionally.
While still a popular women’s footwear choice, finding brogues for women in quality material has been a struggle this year. The sizes are also often very small across the width of the foot so there’s a hard choice between perfect width or perfect length. Men’s brogues however can always be found in high quality shoe stores. Men’s shoes may often be too big, but boy’s sizes have a wider width and you can find a number of polished designs using better materials than the fake leather that goes into making cheap women’s brogues. Proper brogues may be pricy but they’re going to last.
The waistcoat comes in and out of women’s fashions as our preference for androgynous styles peaks and falls. These are great pieces to pinch from relatives and partners and if you’re into rock or grunge there are far more colours, designs and fits in the men’s section you can use in your outfits compared to the plain, one colour ones you find in the women’s. In the winter these are also great for adding layers without adding bulk and keep your arms far freer to move.
Long jackets
T.V. programs like Sherlock and Downtown Abbey have helped men and women alike re-discover their love of the ever practical trench coat, pea coat and other long designs. The pea coat is especially transferable and looks good on men as well as women. To get the right cut stick to the women’s section as it’s important emphasise the waist when you’re covered in so much material. Long coats will cover up most of your outfit, so in this case it’s best to steer towards ways of emphasising that underneath you are female and you have the figure to show it. If you’re not impressed by slightly more masculine greys and blues opt for a striking red or a subdued camel tone with a neutral trimming.

Author: Hi guys, I’m Adina and I work as a writer, blogger and lover of fashion styles. I work alongside Fit Fashion, which has given me an eye for transferable pieces we ladies can use to make our outfits cute but comfortable.