Deep conditioner
Deep conditioner is very important for health hair especially if your hair is damaged, dry, coarse and weak. Deep conditioning strengthens, improves elasticity, banish frizz, and leaves the hair feeling soft and smooth.
Deep conditioning is vital for your hair and should be done weekly or once a month. Any conditioner can be used as a deep conditioner although there available marketed products to be used for this purpose. Another alternative is to make your own homemade deep conditioner straight from your kitchen cupboard or fridge.
Deep conditioner is effective when is left on the hair and heat is allowed to penetrate.
Avocado deep conditioner
Benefits of avocado on hair:
- Avocados are rich in vitamin A,D, E and B6 as well as magnesium, folic acid, amino acids, copper and iron, which are all essential for hair growth.
- Avocado prevents hair loss, dandruff & aid hair growth.
- Avocado helps prevent split ends and gives your hair a shiny & soft finish.
Benefit of egg yolk on hair
- Egg yolks are good for dry, damaged hair and will help condition & strengthen your hair to give a shiny smooth finish.
- Egg yolk improves hair growth while preventing hair breakage & hair loss.
Ingredients: 1 avocado, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of yoghurt, 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of olive oil/coconut oil.
Scoop out the avocado and place it a bowl/ blender. Add the egg yolk, yoghurt, honey & olive oil and mix/blend it.
Your mixture should look like this

Use a spray bottle to damp your hair and apply the homemade deep conditioner starting from the tips working your way to the roots.

Wrap/cover your hair with a shower/plastic cap and leave the deep conditioner for 30-45minutes or use an overhead dryer for 15 minutes. Leaving the deep conditioner for a long time or overnight will result in weak & fragile hair
Shampoo & condition your hair as usual.

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