Dr Organic Snail Gel – anti-ageing gel

Dr Organic Snail Gel - anti-ageing gel 1

From bee venom to algae and human placenta, people will try everything to look young.  Dr Organic Snail Gel is the latest anti-ageing gel based on snail slime.

Celebrities such as Ashley Roberts and Katie Holmes credit this beauty product for their perfect complexion and glow.  Ashley Roberts told Reveal magazine that she loves Dr Organic Snail Gel because it keeps her skin ‘soft and healthy’.

Dr. Organic Snail Gel is a moisturising, soothing and anti-aging gel. It also softened wrinkles, smooth skin and scar reduction. The gel contains Snail Filtrate, Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, Lime Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Litsea Cubeba Oil. 

The benefit of snail slime was discovered by mistake by the Chilean farmers who noticed their hands were incredibly soft and hydrated and minor cuts and scars were healing unusually quickly. Advance research and clinical testing found that the secretions contained high levels of naturally occurring allantoine, collagen, elastin and anti-bacterial substances that all have beneficial healing, smoothing and purifying effects on human skin.

Dr. Organic Snail Gel comes with a £19.99 price tag and is harvested by allowing the snails to crawl over specially-built glass and plastic structures. The mucus contains proteins, glycolic acids, allantoin, hyaluronic acid and elastin which help to repair and generate the skin.

 What are your thoughts on Dr. Organic Snail Gel? Would you try using snail slime for the sake of looking younger, let us know in the comment section below.

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