How to decorate your kitchen at a low budget

tips on how to give your kitchen a wow factor

Here are a few tips on how to give your kitchen a wow factor.

  • Use lots of colours at least 3 different ones to create a colour scheme
  • Spray paint your old pots and pans using the colour of your scheme, and hang them on the wall.
  • Place several candles in your kitchen- counter, the table, and windowsill
  • Use baskets to store your potatoes, onions and other vegetables. The baskets can be stored under the counter or displayed.
  • Paint your old cupboard handles, each one can be different or the same colour. Or you can replace your door handles with different kinds that are unique.
  • Keep a tablecloth on your kitchen table and use mats to protect it.
  • Display frequently used sugar, tea, coffee containers on a small flat wicker tray lined with doily.
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